Goal Planning with the Gonzalez Boys

Goal Planning

Hello Friends,

I still can’t believe the holidays came and went so fast… it seems it was just yesterday we were all ringing in the New Year! To top it off, we are somehow already done with January and steam rolling into February like it's just nothing. Which is why I want to share in this letter what I did this month with my family to ensure they too will get the most out of the New Year.

Several years ago, I read a book that talked about the importance of helping your children create goals for themselves. I have since then sat down with my oldest son for 3 years now to do this and we carefully selected his spiritual, physical, social and learning goals for each year. However,  for the first time I did it with my 3 year old son, Nicolas Max.

He was super excited without knowing what we were going to do. He just knew he was going to get to sit in the study with me and his big brother. He was so thrilled I could hardly keep his bottom to the chair. I grabbed some paper and to make it fun I let him use color markers and crayons too. Now I know what some of you may be thinking… what goals would you possibly write down and try to explain to your 3 year old, Ricardo?!


For Nicolas, I focused on just simple things such as his responsibilities and rewards for fulfilling them. For ex. We tend to struggle with him getting dressed for school in the mornings. I decided what better way to get him to move quicker than by making it clear to him that if he does do it we will reward him! We agreed he would get 5 min of screen time on our iPad when he comes home from school. I offered him the same thing on brushing his teeth as he tends to run like a bandit as soon as he sees us get his toothbrush out!

Once he gets older I will add more detailed goals for sure. The funniest thing happened the very next day that he needed to get dressed for school and brush his teeth. He actually remembered all on his own and said to me “Daddy, I'm going to get dressed and brush my teeth so I can get screen time, ok!!” I was shocked and quickly told my wife what he said. The fact of the matter is that even at his very young age writing these down made an imprint on him. I was very proud of him. Albeit, I still do have to remind him from time to time about our little agreement. Ever since its been much easier to get him to comply once we remind him. Baby steps, right?!

Below are some goal setting sheets you can do with your family or even staff. Taking the time to understand your goals and the goals of those around you truly impact your outlook. Take care and all the best to you and your loved ones in 2019!

Best Regards, Ricardo Gonzalez